Friday, September 16, 2011

Everything started a day that I went to the gym. There was this huge guy with a military haircut, exercising on elliptical.

There was a little tiny mouse, walking around the gym too.

This guy (huge guy) was looking at the mouse and all you could read from his face was “Fear”!

A couple of times he was asking me what should we do? what if the mouse goes to my bag? or ….

I just found the whole situation funny and one of those days at work I started doodling on a peace of paper and tried to draw a cartoon of that guy. After I was done I thought it should be fun to sculpt this face.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Some 2D works!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Car Crash

This was one of the most interesting projects I have worked on at the time (2004).
It was unique because it was the first "night time" we were working on.
The director was concerned about lighting and gave me two days to test it.
When I showed my first test he was impressed and I did the lighting as well.
We were thinking about the accident in that episode and I gave my idea about the accident to our director. he was impressed again and I did the accident scene as well.
I was inspired by one of Madonna's music video : "What it feels like for a girl"
The accident scene was a combination of "Morph" animation and particles.
I used 3DS Max 4.2 for this project

Screen shots: please click on images to open a better quality version

Character Design

These are two characters I designed in 2004 when I was working at "Hoor":

Monday, January 12, 2009


I made a couple of animations a while ago for a presentation and these are two of them:

Monday, January 5, 2009

Abandoned Warehouse

This is a project that I've been working on recently.
Originally it was done in XSI but I imported the objects into Maya and clean the whole thing there.
The following is the high quality still:

Click on the image to see the high quality version.

Monday, October 20, 2008

My Graduation Demo Reel

My Graduation Demo Reel:
Since I had not worked on realistic characters I set my goal to model a couple.

Maya (All characters and the castle)
XSI (The last environment, Warehouse)
Photoshop for texturing
Combustion for compositing and VFX
Combustion for editing
Zbrush for giving some details to 2 characters
iDVD for making the DVD


My role in this project:
-Story, Storyboard, Character design
-Modeling 4 characters and a couple of assets for environment
-Texturing, Rigging, Animating, Rendering, Editing

I Created this character based on a famous sport reporter in Iran: "Ferdousipour"
Please click on the pictures to open a better quality version.

Here is the storyboard I made for client's approval:

Max V4.2

A Hoor Production

My role in this project:
-Story, Storyboard, Character design
-Modeling, Texturing, Animating,Rendering

Max V4.2

A Hoor Production

My role in this project:
-Part of compositing and Post Production


A Hoor Production

My role in this project:
-Modeling and Texturing the environment
-Effect animation
-Compositing and Post Production

Max V4.2

A Hoor Production

Some screenshots: